October 26, 2011

What have you been up to?

What have you been doing.
 We have been making gifts
 painting a lot
  Jamie I will send these baby blankets
 pumpkin pillows
 Sally thinks that the table is now her spot.

Have a great week. I will hopefully finish a few more projects before the weekend.

Dylan's Birthday Gift (finally)

Today the little dude and I went on the long bus ride  to visit our super radical friends. My gal-pal Teresa and her wonderful boys invited the two of us over this morning to visit, chit chat and have some amazing coffee.

Her son Dylan recently turned 1 the little dude and I went able to come to the party because of illness. It took me what seemed like forever to finish up his super rad gifts.
I made this cool little name banner for him.

I used fleece and some super cute dino fabric for the letters

 Bias Tape
 I also added this quick little soft book

Happy Birthday DYLAN
We love you
xoxo tori

October 22, 2011

What to gift what to gift??

In a few days a super rad gal pal of mine is haveing a birthday shindig in Virgina City. I am super stoked because the hubby and I have never made it out to Virgina City before. Also I am super excited because I have been searching bloggy land for inspiration for something totally radical to gift.
I found Sally the wonderpug in her new favorite spot, in the middle of the table just like my very own pug roast. Don't worrier folks I really discourage this, pugs are just spiteful and stubborn.
I came across a few ideas over at 101 Handmade gift Tutorials at EverythingEtsy.
I kinda followed the tutorial for v-and-co-how-to-jersey-knit-bracelet.

I used some sweatshirt jersey and silver sparkly stuff for one as well as some red silk and black t-shirt

What do you think? Silly? really 80's? Help!


October 20, 2011

Fabric Pumpkins

This week I have been whipping up these super easy and super cute pumpkins for holiday decore.
 The large pumpkin I used just some old yellowy fabric I had laying around.
 I didn't make tops for the pumpkins, I have to say I like without. These cute little pumpkins are super cute.

This is three I made with some fabric I picked up in the walmart fabric scrap bin. Whoo hoo for 1.00 Halloween Fabric.

What have you been doing this week for Halloween decorations?

XOXO torirae

October 18, 2011

Packages at my doorstep

I am pretty sure I have mentioned before that my mother is an antique dealer with an antique store in Elma Washington. Well recently after years of being on the market my parents sold the building that housed their antique store in Elma. Mom and I chitty chat via email or text almost every day, in the last few weeks her texts have been few and far between because of there mad dash to empty the building for closing. The entirety of this building was filled with rooms and rooms of antiques as well as storage from years of stuff.
Oh how badly I wished to fly to Seattle and rent a uhaul to load it full of crap. Luckily for me mom sent the first of my many boxes the other day and to my astonishment three boxes where on my doorstep this morning.
 Look at this amazing train case...
Can you say mini sewing box?

 This is the inside with glass and can you see what its filled with?

 Oh My GOD! Is  this my mothers scrap pile filled with material that is over 20 years old?
 Yards and Yards of large fabric pieces. The end has about three yards of black fleece and purple poly fleece some white felt (always needed) and some really radical poly fabric in really radical vintage suiting patterns. About 5 yards of both!
 Look at this vintage shirting and this radical sheet fabric. Rad Vintage!
 Look at the weird fleece with the odd lettering, I think my mom made pet beds like 15 years ago with this.

Can you see the radical lion print from the 80's? What oh What will I make with it?
I like daddy's hat that is in the pics with my little pumpkins i have been working on.

So that was how our weekend was wrapped up. Today tattoo dad goes to work and begins our work week. Next Tuesday we are trying to get to Virgina city for a pals birthday bash. I'm hella stoked because we have never been out there before. I'm pretty sure we are going ghost hunting which is bitchin. Field Trip!
Happy Tuesday folks.

October 17, 2011

Handmade Christmas Series at Creation Corner

During my morning blog time with the fam this morning the first blog i hopped upon was Creation Corner
 I let out a small hell yeah!.
Check it out folks. Grab a button and watch your readers!
XOXO Torirae

October 16, 2011

Gypsy Tattoo Family R&R

Hey Folks. I'm totally still here after my absence over the last few days. Not long after my last post about Halloween costumes for my dog Sally the wonder pug was stung by a bee. Sally my pug, is highly allergic to bees and went into anaphylactic shock. I gave her medication so she wouldn't die but she had to still be rushed to the vet er to save her life as the shock was now killing her.
 She came home yesterday after being at the vet for three days. Our tattoo Gypsy family is so much happier now that the Sally pug is home at last. She is taking it easy this weekend as we too are now that the vet bill has left us broke. But hey I have a pretty big stash and plenty of projects to do so lets get ready for the holidays.
Today I began cleaning out the three boxes of art supplies in the closet as well as just cleaning out the closet. My in laws are staying a week around thanksgiving so getting prepared now is great especially because i would like to be heavily crafting and sewing for the holidays.
I love those Costco Bags. I was totally obsessed with buying them every time i went to costco then poof they stopped caring them. I did travel all about and I'm sure some Costco's may sell them. Anyone want to trade something cool for some new Costco bags? XOXO
I found this amazing little version of the larger storage containers they sell at walmart for .50. What a great little container I though. Thankfully it was nap time while I was searching for something rad to put the pains in.
Oh my mess!

I do have to show off my fabulous fabric stash organisation the other day. This is the top of an old steamer trunk from about 1920. I love the steamer trunks for so many things. And in the lower level I have larger pieces of fabric nestled between my precious china.
A few days later still organized.

Walla my closet is coming along!

Well I better get back to decluttering and organizing.
Love and Kisses.