September 28, 2011

Crochet School! HELL YEAH!!

While still feeling terminally ill from whatever stomach flu the little man and I picked up I was blog hopping tonight over at Dandelions and Lace.

I am super excited about this! I really need to begin my holiday crafting sooner than later as well as my crochet skills need a bit of help. I have always just thought of my crocheting skills as being very punk rock but sadly I have now realized not being able to read a pattern royalty sucks. The best of both world with Crochet school. I will be posting my progress as well as other cool stuff.
Later Dudes as I am still very ill and not really with it.
XOXO tori

September 23, 2011

Happy Quilting: The Intrepid Thread Sponsor Giveaway :)

Happy Quilting: The Intrepid Thread Sponsor Giveaway :): So how many of you have shopped at The Intrepid Thread ?? If you haven't you are missing out!! T he Intrepid Thread is a fabulous Etsy S...

September 13, 2011

New House Curtins

Here you all go. My new totally radical curtins in my living room...
My husband hung them up yesterday.

I bought this really cool fabric at Mill End Fabrics in Reno. Thanks to my super rad new pal Punk Rock Squirrel. Check this crafty mama out!
These are the curtins I made for our dinning room. I bought this fabric at Home Fabrics and Rugs for $1 a yard.
Much Love folks!


Somehow when we put everything in storage our coffee makers went missing. I say coffee makers because I had three that I have no idea where they went. I am sure that our storage had a few gnomes.

This is the coffee maker we have been using...I picked it up at a tag sale a week ago for $1
Yes I understand that this is a two cup coffee maker. I am making around three pots every morning. Let alone I need a frenchpress.