I am not sure if you know this but my mother was a flight attendant for NWA, she retired a few years back after a 40+ years in service. I spent my first 12 years of life traveling with my mom. We were very privileged because we could travel for free.
This started my love of traveling very young. At 14 I moved to Utah for school and pretty much never came home for very long again. At 17 I moved across country for the first time alone, Olympia to Portland, Maine. A few times I returned back to Olympia.
Five years ago I meet my amazing partner who later became my husband. My husband is a radical artist. He is very lucky in his industry to be able to travel around to work in pretty much anyplace.
We meet in portland, Oregon eight months later we moved to san francisco, california a few months later we left for Reno.
Again we left around six months and moved across country for the first time. My man is from Philadelphia, PA born and raised. So we tried out Philly. It was amazing to see where he grew up. Experience Philly and start our family. Little man was born on Philly just like his daddy, so was the wonderpug.
After a year in Philly we traveled cross country again, back to the bay area. A few months later back to Reno.
So once again my gypsy family is traveling across to the opposite side of the county that we are now. This time we are not chasing the dollar, my poor husband has a horrible knee injury on valentines day. We are heading east to be with family while daddy-o gets surgery and gets better. This last winter in vermont was a really hard one for our family. We had two passings and a injury. So it will be good for everyone to be together.
We are flying very late. I planned this mostly because my toddler can sleep as this is probably the last time he can ride on my lap.
We are happy to be in Vermont in the spring time and be with family.
My blogging may be sparse for a week until I get settled. I do have a few new swaps I've signed up for that I am really excited to share, plus a few extra guest posts from Kneaded love a wonderful baker as well as baby clothes for a new baby cousin.
Much love to all this week!
Talk to you soon!
Xoxo torirae
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